
Tuesday, June 8, 2010




Fitting into God's "Foolishness"


Bayless Conley

In 1 Corinthians 1:21, Paul gives us Fitting into God's "Foolishness" an interesting insight into how you and I please God.

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

God's methods are astounding. To bring men and women into His family through the foolishness of preaching! When people hear the gospel preached and believe it, God is pleased.

Now how is the gospel preached? Through your life and mine. Every one of us has been entrusted by God with some gift to communicate the gospel. Perhaps you have been entrusted by God with unusual wealth. Or maybe a marvelous singing voice, or the ability to communicate, or perhaps the skill to assimilate facts.

Whatever it is, God has put something in each of us that somehow fits into His great master plan of winning this lost world to Jesus Christ.

God has chosen to use these weak, fallible vessels to share the simple gospel message that the world is separated from Him because of sin. In His mercy, God reached down to the human race when He sent His own Son, Who willingly gave up His life on the cross and died for our sins. The price was paid. God's eternal justice was satisfied. And the Holy Spirit raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

That is the message our world so desperately needs to hear today! God is pleased when you share that "foolishness." So however God has gifted you, use that gift today to present a living Jesus to our dying world!

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