
Sunday, March 27, 2011


MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2011
If you went to visit a friend who had just returned from Europe, you would ask him to tell you about his trip. Suppose he said that they went to Rome, then they went to Milan, then they went to Florence, then they went into Switzerland to Lucerne, then to Zurich and to Geneva, and then into Germany into Frankfurt, and so on and on. You would want to ask him what they saw and what they did. You’d find a recital of all the places they had been a pretty boring account of their trip. That is my opinion of this chapter; it’s not very interesting reading.
And yet, just as each portion of Scripture has a great spiritual lesson, so this chapter [33] has a great spiritual lesson for us. Although this chapter is like a road map, and not interesting to read, it reveals that God noted and recorded every step that these people took. In fact, He was with them every step of the way through the wilderness march….
So here we have the log of their journey. Everywhere they went, every time they camped, He was with them. Frankly, they weren’t going with Him. That is, their hearts were in rebellion against Him a great deal of the time. But He never left them. He never did forsake them.
This is one of the great truths of the Word of God. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” … If you are a child of God, you couldn’t possibly get away from Him. He wouldn’t let you go. He will go with you all the way. We may stumble, falter, and fail. We don’t follow Him as we ought. But, thank God, He goes with us all the way!
(J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible Commentary [computer file], electronic ed., Logos Library System, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson), 1997 © 1981 by J. Vernon McGee)

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