
Wednesday, January 11, 2012






If You, LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? Psalms 130:3 (NKJV)

The Bible is an offensive book because it spells out things about ourselves that we don't really want to hear. For example, it tells us that all of us are guilty before God as sinners. And if it were God's agenda to keep a record of our wrongs, none of us would be able to stand before Him.

Let's face it: That offends us on a certain level. Deep down in our human nature, we all want to stand on our own merits, point to our accomplishments, and say, "See, look what I've done! Look what I've earned!" We find a certain sense of security in this because we feel like we're in control of things and can dictate our destiny based on what we think we deserve.

But the Bible cuts through all of that. It tells us that our very best is still spoiled by what we all are at heart. No amount of works or merit can ever change the fact that we're sinners. And as sinners, the only thing we truly deserve is death (Romans 6:23). That's incredibly offensive to our pride and self-assurance.

However, here's what we need to recognize: God doesn't just leave it there. He doesn't just point out our sin, but He goes on to provide us with salvation:

But there is forgiveness with You… (Psalms 130:4 NKJV)

Yet before we can experience His forgiveness and salvation, we need to see our need for it. And we see it when we're reminded that we're such great sinners that if the Lord really wanted to hold it against us, none of us could stand on our own. It's offensive, but it also leads us to the salvation that we could never earn, and which God graciously gives.

Lord, please help us to remember how helpless we are without You. Keep us humble when it comes to who we are and thankful when it comes to what You've done for us.

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