
Wednesday, February 1, 2012



“An honorable institution”



Marriage is honorable among all… Hebrews 13:4 (NKJV)

God takes a very strong stance when it comes to marriage—so much so that every believer, whether they're single or married, needs to have a strong understanding of it. In fact, our theology (which literally means knowledge of God) will have a gaping hole in it if we're unfamiliar with what God says, what God thinks, and how God feels about the institution of marriage.

For starters, we need to see that God describes marriage as something honorable. Let's take a moment to dig a little deeper and find the rich meaning of honorable.

In the original Greek language that the Book of Hebrews was written in, it's the word timios, which means to hold in high esteem or to highly respect something. Interestingly enough, it's the same word that's used to describe the gemstones that adorn the very foundation of heaven as described in Revelation 21:19. Moreover, it's the same word Peter used to describe Christ's redeeming blood in 1 Peter 1:19.

Now, consider the value we attach to heaven's gemstones and to Christ's blood, and apply it to marriage. From God's perspective, it's the same. Marriage isn't something that God is just OK with. It doesn't get a casual nod or "thumbs up" in His heart. No, it's something that He highly esteems and respects. And if we're honest, in many cases, He esteems and respects marriage more than we do.

We need to change that. We need to hold marriage in the same high regard that He does. We need to get on His page and not settle for a lesser perspective. For until we see marriage as God does, until we see it in its truest and brightest light, we'll never experience or enjoy it as He intended.

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