
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


today's reading.
Acts 26:1-32    So Agrippa said to Paul, "You have permission to speak for yourself." Then Paul stretched out his hand and made his defense...
think about it.
When Paul speaks to Agrippa, what does he focus on (26:1-20)? How does he speak of those who've opposed him (26:21-23)? What is Agrippa's reaction (26:25-28)? What does Paul want for Agrippa and all others (26:29)? What is your desire for those you talk to about Christ?
the blog.
Paul is, once again, called on to present his "case." This time it's to King Agrippa, and what Paul does is simply tell his story of how Jesus met him and changed his life forever on the road to Damascus. And when I say "simply tell his story," I truly mean he just conveyed the experience--very personally and passionately--like he recalled it. It was clear and it was effective.

Life is full of experiences and no one knows or understands your experiences better than you. And usually when I talk about my experiences with someone I find that the conversation is warmer and more personal and relaxed because I'm comfortable telling about what I've seen, done or been through. And it doesn't have to be some "big" experience. Believe it or not, experiences like growing up on a farm, singing, struggling with anxiety, golfing, helping my husband battle through cancer, even owning dachshunds, has opened up dialogue where I then could let others know about working for Back to the Bible, my involvement with my church and my faith and love for the Lord.

So what are some of your life experiences that you can use (or you have used) to let others know you are a Christ-follower and then hopefully, the opportunity to share Christ? Tami W.

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