
Saturday, August 27, 2011






“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” John 9:4 (NKJV)

John Chapter 9 begins with Jesus and His disciples making their way through Jerusalem. As they walk, they come across a man who was born blind. Because of his disability, this man was forced to beg on the city streets for alms. When the disciples see him, they assume—as most did in that day—that his blindness was God’s punishment for some sin he or his parents had committed. So they ask the Lord whether it was the man or his parents who were to blame.

Jesus says that neither is to blame and explains that the man’s affliction isn’t punishment but was ordained as a backdrop for God’s glory to shine. And as Jesus proceeds to bring light to this man’s darkness, the glory of the Lord does indeed shine!

But Jesus says something before He performs the miracle that gives us insight into His outlook on life. He says that He must do the works of God while it’s day because night is coming. What does that mean? Christ was saying there was a certain window of time (day) where He was going to walk this earth and do His Father’s work. But once He was crucified (night), that window would close.

To put it another way, Jesus understood His life on earth was temporary, and He was going to make the most of the time He had. He didn’t procrastinate or spin his wheels aimlessly. He knew He needed to accomplish the work at hand while there was time.

That’s the same perspective we need to have. When it comes to this life, there’s day and there’s night. There’s time now for us to do certain things. Like Jesus, we need to be wise stewards of the daytime. The window to work is now open, so let’s be faithfully active before it closes

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