
Friday, December 31, 2010



“One Day at a Time"
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. —Matthew 6:34
It has been said that there are two days that people worry most about but should actually worry least about: Yesterday and Tomorrow. We worry about yesterday - the mistakes we've made and what we would like to do over or differently. Yet, there is nothing we can do to change yesterday. Our worries are wasted. We also worry about tomorrow - the problems it may bring and the challenges we may face. Yet, we cannot control tomorrow. It is out of our grasp. So again, our worries are wasted.
When we do not waste our worries on yesterday or tomorrow, it frees us to live in the present - today. Today, we are able to make decisions about our life. Today, we can set our course, set off in a direction or alter our course, if necessary. Sure, we will still make our share of mistakes. And, we will still have worries. Each day brings enough to be concerned about. Still, seldom are life's concerns unbearable today. Our worries become unbearable when we add the wasted worries of yesterday and tomorrow.
Jesus instructs us to live one day at a time. He knew that so much of what we worry about is out of our control. He wanted us to understand that God gives us today. And, as we live our lives seeking Him, we are in a safe place. Jesus promises that our heavenly Father will provide us with everything we need.
When I'm tempted to worry about any of life's concerns, I find that it helps to remind myself of the many times I've given in to worry - and how things never came to pass as I had feared - which is actually the vast majority of the time!
So, today as we wrap up 2010 and head courageously into 2011, make it one of your resolutions to live your days - just one day at a time! And, when you find yourself tempted to worry, remind yourself of Jesus' words, "Your heavenly Father knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." (Matthew 6:32-33, NLT.)

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