
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

DEVOTION WED 12-22-2010





Once I spent a fabulous morning of private worship in my study at home. God came down in a wonderful way and gave me fresh new insight in my study time, and a renewed energy for the day. I showered, dressed, kissed Jo Beth at the door and said "Have a great day!" She stopped me and asked, "Would you mind taking out the trash?" Is there anyone on this planet who actually enjoys taking out the trash? I was irritated, and she could tell. For one thing, the trash was overflowing. And I couldn't find the little "twistie thing" to tie the bag.

Here I am, the spiritual leader of this home, the head of this household, elbow-deep in garbage. I was mad about it. Then it hit me: How can it be that the man who was so prayed up and carefree five minutes ago is now fit to be tied? How could this be the same guy? All that praying, all that listening, all that studying and crying and cleansing and confessing…how can it be? Nothing that I got in the quiet of the study had transferred to the chaos of my kitchen. Not one thing.

A fool gives God the sacrifice of singing and praying and giving and sharing, then goes out and lives as he pleases. The fool's worship never changes him. When we go through the motions of church and Christianity and our hearts remain the same, we have offered the sacrifice of fools.


God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

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