
Monday, October 10, 2011



Significant sequence”



Pay close attention to the sequence of statements in this passage. The first thing we see is that "the Lord is great" and next we see that He is "greatly to be praised." That's the sequence, and it's significant.

"Why is this so significant?" In order for our praise to be real and genuine, it has to be founded on an understanding of who God is. That's the essence of the first statement here. "The Lord is great" is a statement on who God is. It's a commentary on His character and nature. He's great!

Then comes the statement that He is "greatly to be praised." That's our proper response to who God is. He is great, and when we fully understand this we are naturally led to worship Him. That's how our worship has to happen, and that's why this sequence is so significant.

A lot of Christians are stuck in neutral when it comes to their worship life. They know that worship is something they ought to do, and they try their best to muster up what it takes to praise God. But at the end of the day, it's a strain and an effort that isn't much of a blessing at all.

Why? Because their sequence is all out of order. Whether they realize it or not, they haven't put first things first. They haven't spent time on the "the Lord is great" part. When it comes to worship, they haven't allowed the "who God is" to be the engine that drives the "what they do."

Let's observe and honor the significance of the sequence we see here. Let's be people who allow the true character and nature of God to be the thing that fuels our praise and worship…not the other way around.

Great God, You are greatly to be praised, and we worship You simply because of who You are.

Think about it…

What does this passage reveal to me about God?
What does this passage reveal to me about myself?
Based on this, what changes do I need to make?
What is my prayer for today?

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