
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


“Running Inside the Lines”
In Philippians 3:14, Paul provides a powerful insight into his passion.  Here is what he says,
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Paul clearly had a goal in mind, a sense of his destiny.  And he was undaunted in seeking to reach it.
In fact, the phrase "I press toward the goal" could literally be translated from the Greek text this way,  "I run within the lines."  It paints the picture of a runner, running down a track, staying in his lane.
He is not overreaching his bounds, running in someone else's lane.  Rather, as he goes for the goal, he is running within the lines with the goal in mind.
In a little mission in Medford, Oregon, many years ago, there was a young man with a terrible drug and an alcohol problem.  One night God got a hold of his life.  It was a truly dramatic conversion.
I was that young man.  And for several decades now, I have been seeking to lay hold of the reason for which He laid hold of me.  I knew that night that God had a destiny for my life.  And that is the goal I strive and press forward to achieve.
God has a destiny for your life, too.  God laid hold of your life just like He did mine, for a purpose.  If you have not already done so, you must understand and press forward to fulfill the destiny God has for your life.
If you don't know what that might be, then start asking God to reveal that to you.  Ask Him to show you the lane you are to run in.

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