
Friday, September 28, 2012



“The Seventh Commandment of Marriage:  Do Not Commit Adultery”
The seventh commandment brings us to one of the most vital principles of having the marriage God intends.  Exodus 20:14 simply says,
"You shall not commit adultery."
In a marriage, you would be hard pressed to imagine anything more damaging than your spouse being unfaithful.  But being faithful is not only being faithful in action, but also in thought.
Again, Jesus expanded on this in Matthew 5, and I want you to read these words very carefully.  He said, "You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.'  But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Having a lustful, exploitive disposition has no place in marriage.  Love gives; lust takes.  Love serves; lust demands.  Love nourishes; lust chokes.
What a wonderful gift God has given us in this thing called sex.  It was His idea.  It is just as holy as when you lift your hands in church and worship Him.  It is God's idea within the context and the confines of marriage.  It should be enjoyed.
But lust has no place in marriage.  It is a poison that will destroy the fabric of your relationship with your spouse.
Men, do not even entertain the thought of allowing pornography into your life.  It can destroy your marriage.  You are committing heart-adultery when you look at pornographic images and lust after another woman.  Do not let the devil have that ground in your heart and life.
This is such a vital command, over the next few devotionals we are going to stay on this subject.  I will share with you three ways to affair-proof your marriage.

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