
Sunday, July 22, 2012


Overlooking offenses”
The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression. Proverbs 19:11 (NKJV)
On June 2, 2010, something happened in professional baseball that had never happened before. The Detroit Tiger’s pitcher, Armando Galarraga, was on the brink of accomplishing the rarest achievement in baseball, pitching a perfect game, which has only happened eighteen times in more than one hundred years.
With two outs in the ninth inning, only one out separated Galarraga from his quest. The batter chopped a ground ball to the hole between first and second base. True to their training, the first baseman went to field the ball, and the pitcher went to cover first base. The first baseman scooped up the ball, turned and flipped it to Galarraga, who caught it and tagged first base with his foot before the base runner.
It was an obvious out, but the umpire called the runner safe…and in doing so, ended Galarraga’s chance of achieving baseball immortality. The instant replay was conclusive; the runner was clearly out, and even the umpire admitted afterward to blowing the call. Galarraga had clearly been “robbed.”
But something greater than a perfect game came out of that game. Instead of ranting or railing against the umpire who had wronged him, Galarraga publicly forgave him and overlooked the offense. As a result, the honor he received for his sportsmanship had a much greater impact than a perfect game ever could have.
That incident mirrors the principle in Proverbs 19:11, which tells us it’s a man’s glory to overlook a transgression (or offense). When we forgive those who’ve wronged us, it produces something glorious in us. Our character shines, our stature increases, and we’re honored to an extent that we never would have been had we never been wronged.
Tuck this truth away for the next time you’re wronged. Remember that it’s an opportunity for you to have an impact and influence for good that you never could have otherwise.

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