
Sunday, November 14, 2010

DEVOTION MON 11-15-2010





John 10:7-10

In our daily routine, it is easy to live with a worldly mindset. When our thoughts turn away from God, we can become dangerously self-dependent. In such situations, there is a spiritual battle ensuing, with high stakes. Victory demands more than floating through each day. This war requires our alert and purposeful reliance upon Christ.

First Peter 5:8 warns us, "Be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." The Enemy knows our nature and weaknesses. He whispers doubt and deception in order to accomplish his goal.

We know that the ultimate victory is God's, but Satan's traps still lead many astray. How can we avoid giving in to the temptation that leads away from God's best for our lives and causes devastation?

Jesus was tempted during His 40-day fast in the wilderness. Consider how He stood firm against the Enemy: He stayed connected to His Father and submitted to God's will. We can likewise surrender daily to the Father's way, dying to our own desires and plans. And notice that when our Lord encountered a temptation, He resisted Satan with Scripture. The best weapon for fighting falsehood is truth. And we can emulate Jesus, who knew He had authority over Satan and commanded him to flee.

Don't let the world lull you into managing life on your own. There's a battle raging, and you have an enemy whose goal is to take your eyes off Christ, to destroy your life, and to steal glory from God. Our King has the victory, but we must remain alert and connected to His truth.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

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