
Thursday, December 15, 2011



“Living as an Offering”



“A vision of the possibilities… should never overshadow the clear biblical principle that when we are weak then we really are strong because God's power is allowed full expression in our weakness.” —David Bryant

We've been investigating the question, "How do I live in holiness?" That's a heavy-sounding question, and it seems like the answer is going to be loaded with a bunch of religious do-it-yourself pressure. But the answer that Paul gives has none of that:

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him… In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. …offeryourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. Romans 6:8,11,13 (emphasis mine)

That's pretty straightforward! If we want to live holy lives, we actually step into what Christ has already done and then lay ourselves before Him to be used in any way that He sees fit.

· Believe that you live with Him.

· Count yourself dead to sin.

· Offer yourself to God as His instrument of righteousness.

What is your struggle today? What tasks are you facing? What temptations are clawing at you? Where do you feel inadequate for the challenges in front of you? Surrender and offer your body to Him!

Dear God, I don’t want to function in my own strength. I lay myself in Your hands to be used as an instrument of righteousness. I give You my mind, that I might think Your thoughts. I give You my heart, that I might love as You love. I give You my hands, that I might serve as You serve. I give You my lips and my tongue, that my words might give grace to all who hear. I offer it all to You, Lord! Do with me what You wish! Amen.

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