
Tuesday, December 27, 2011



“A Certain Future



So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. —Colossians 2: 10

After crossing the Sea of Galilee, Jesus and His disciples arrived in the region of the Gadarenes, where He was met by two pathetic, demented men who had come completely under the power of the devil.

In Luke’s account of this story, he zeroes in on one of these men in particular, probably because he was the more extreme of the two. In fact, in Luke 8:27, he writes that this man didn’t wear clothes and lived among the tombs. In addition, we know he would beat and bruise himself, as well as cut himself with sharp rocks. An attempt had been made to chain him up, but with superhuman strength, he was able to break the chains.

When these two men came face to face with Jesus, the demons in them asked, “Why are you interfering with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torture us before God’s appointed time?” (Matthew 8:29). This tells us that the devil and his demons know that a day of judgment is coming. Of course, the devil is in rebellion against God, so his agenda is different than ours. He wants to wreak as much havoc as he can until Jesus comes back again.

If we believe that Jesus Christ is coming back again, it should cause us to want to live godly lives, to stay as close to Him as we can, and to try and reach others for Him.

But the devil wants to stop us from reaching our world. He might whisper, “Well, God would never use you! You are just a sinner! You are a failure!” So the next time the devil reminds you of your past, just remind him of his future. He will get his due and will face judgment from God—and he knows it.

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