
Thursday, December 1, 2011



Perspective, Perspective, Perspective”



God; enlighten my eyes… —Psalm 13:3 (NKJV)

So much of our lives are based on our perspective. The way we see things definitely determines and drives the way we respond to them.

It's like the two shoe salesmen who were sent out to scout the prospects of selling their product in a distant land. Upon arriving, they found that nobody wore shoes. The one salesman telegraphed his headquarters that it would be a useless venture: "Don't waste your time, nobody even wears shoes over here!" His colleague, however, had a more optimistic outlook: "You'll never believe it! Everybody needs shoes, and there's absolutely no competition!"

Perspective, perspective, perspective… it makes all the difference.

We don't know the details behind Psalm Chapter 13. We don't even know when David wrote it or what was going on in his life at the time. But we can surmise that it was a time when circumstances weren't going his way. Everything in life was pressing in and distressing him. And then, halfway through this Psalm, he lifts this prayer to God: "Enlighten my eyes." In other words, "Help me to see things clearly and with proper perspective."

It's a prayer that God apparently answered, because by the end of the Psalm, David is rejoicing in God's mercy and salvation. What changed? David's perspective. Instead of looking at the troubles around him, he began to look at God, and it made all the difference. Just as He did with David nearly 3,000 years ago, God can also give us the proper perspective on our lives. When things around us seem discouraging, God is always able to move our focus to something encouraging…Him.

Almighty God, set our eyes on You at all times and please protect our perspective!

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